Cautions before you take a parcel from the delivery agent.

Aditya Raj

Last Update 8 maanden geleden

Avoiding courier fraud as a consignee (recipient) is important to protect yourself from scams and fraud attempts. Here are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of courier fraud:

Check the Delivery Confirmation:

If you receive a call or message claiming to be from a courier company, ask for a delivery confirmation number or tracking number. Verify this information independently by contacting the courier company directly using their official website or phone number.

Don't Share Personal Information & OTPs.

Never provide personal or financial information to anyone claiming to be a courier company or delivery person over the phone or email. Legitimate couriers do not require this information.

Examine the Package:

Inspect the package for any signs of tampering or damage. If anything seems suspicious, do not accept the package.

Ignore Pressure Tactics:

If the courier or delivery person pressures you to provide information or accept a package urgently, take your time to verify their authenticity. Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to manipulate victims.

Use Secure Payment Methods:

If you are required to pay any fees or charges upon delivery, use secure payment methods like credit cards or electronic payments rather than cash.

Report Suspicious Activity:

If you suspect a courier fraud attempt or receive a package that you believe is part of a scam, report it to us immediately. Quick reporting can help prevent others from falling victim to the same fraud.

Remember that courier fraudsters often use deception and manipulation to trick their victims, so staying vigilant and verifying information independently is essential to avoid falling victim to these scams.

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